¡Este bebé, casi infarta una de mis coronarias! Desde la semana 36 su mama empezó con trabajo de parto y llego a 4 cm de dilatación, la pusimos en reposo y esperamos a que llegara a termino. Con un parto previo yo solo rogaba que no arrancara en momentos de tráfico para que no naciera en el coche ????
Las contracciones se calmaron y logramos que Salvador naciera 3 semanas después. Su mamá llegó al hospital con los mismos 4 cm que en menos de 2 horas se convirtieron en uno mis momentos favoritos. Entre risas, fue un parto fácil, lleno de amor incondicional y de lazos de sangre. Tengo que contarles que la mamá de este bebé es mi prima hermana, a quien adoro y agradezco profundamente por confiar en mí desde antes de que yo misma lo hiciera.
39.1sdg Peso: 3,100 Talla: 50 cm Apgar: 9/9
This baby almost infarcted one of my coronaries! From week 36, her mother started labor and reached 4 cm in dilation, we put her to rest and waited for her to finish. With a previous delivery, I only prayed that she would not start in times of traffic so that she would not be born in the car ????
The contractions subsided and we managed to get Salvador to be born 3 weeks later. His mother arrived at the hospital with the same 4 cm that in less than 2 hours they became one of my favorite moments. Laughing, it was an easy delivery, full of unconditional love and blood ties. I have to tell you that the mother of this baby is my first cousin, whom I adore and deeply thank for trusting in me since before I did it myself. WELCOME SALVADOR! I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH ❤
39.1sdg Weight: 3,100 Height: 50 cm Apgar: 9/9