La mamá de Camila me despertó a las 4:30 am, con una voz tranquila, consciente y completamente conectada con su cuerpo me dijo: “¡Creo que ya Dra. vámonos al hospital!”. Las contracciones eran constantes, tenia el antecedente de un parto previo rápido y no queríamos que nos trocara el tráfico matutino. Nos encontramos ahí, ella supo perfectamente lo que quería, sorpresivamente ya tenia 9 cm de dilatación y seguía con esa calma que la caracteriza, decidió
bloquearse y en menos de 1 hora al son de Keane llego Camila en 2 pujos fáciles, conscientes y llenos de amor. De esas veces que la naturaleza sigue su curso y nosotros solo somos testigos. ¡Bienvenida Camila!
Llegas a una familia muy especial ❤️
40.3 sdg Peso: 3,300kg Talla: 51cm Apgar: 9/9
Camila’s mother woke me up at 4:30 am, with a calm voice, conscious and completely connected with her body, she told me: “I think Dra. Let’s go to the hospital!” The contractions were constant, she had a history of a previous rapid delivery and we did not want the morning traffic to change us. We met there, she knew perfectly what she wanted, surprisingly she was already 9 cm dilated and she continued with that calm that characterizes her, she decided to block herself and in less than 1 hour to the sound of Keane Camila arrived in 2 easy, conscious and loving pushes . Of those times that nature takes its course and we are only witnesses. Welcome Camila! You come to a very special family ❤️
40.3 sdg Weight: 3,300kg Height: 51cm Apgar: 9/9